Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Colorful butterflies - A fun art project using finger paints!

With Earth Day just around the corner here is a colorful art project to celebrate and appreciate the beauty of gift called nature we all have been blessed with!

What you will need
  • Finger paints

  • Pipe cleaner

  • Cardstock
Dip pipe cleaner in paint and make impressions on paper. Dip index finger in paints and press on paper for wings.  

Earth Day is intended to be a chance to learn and get engaged in ways in which we can live in a more environmentally responsible fashion.  We all are the residents of this planet and share the duty of keeping it clean and green.  

As we celebrate this Earth’s Day let’s not limit the spirit of gratitude towards earth for this one day, extend it to everyday by being thoughtful and kind in our actions towards mother nature. 

Have a colorful day!