Sunday, September 12, 2010

Project Impressions!

All you need is
  • 2 sheets
  • Paints (acrylics)
  • idea
This project is so easy, so fun and creates magnificent details. The first thing you need to do is figure out in your mind what you will like to create....Flowers, butterflies, birds, trees.......
I did Ganesha and a butterfly.
It's a fun and easy way to make greetings, calenders, bookmarks, or a wall art.
All you need to do is generously pour the paint on one sheet using your imagination.
Put another sheet on top on it, press gently and let the paint make its impressions on other sheet. Open up gently like you are opening a book.
The paint makes these impressions because when you press, the paint sticks to the other sheet and when you start opening the 2 sheets the paint starts making these details. The best part is you get 2 identical art pieces.
Enjoy the art!